It's that time already..our 55th Class Reunion!

Gary Nasalroad and our fabulous reunion committee have gotten together and are planning another reunion for us.  The date has been set for September 5, 6, and 7th of this year, 2014.  Mark your calendars!

Can you believe that five years have past since our wonderful 50th class reunion?  I don't know about you feel but I am certain that time is passing more rapidly these days.  The entire schedule isn't solidified yet but once again Gwyn Dickenson Kaiser has opened her lovely beach home to us to begin our weekend of festivities, on Friday the 5th.  It was so much fun last time and I'm sure you are looking forward to it as I am.  Please alert our classmates that you may know, not to miss out on this wonderful occasion.  

(Keep checking back with us here and on our Facebook page for details as they are confirmed)

Gwyn's 2010 Beach Party

1948 Photo - Do You recognize any of our 1959 Graduates?

1948 Photo - Do You recognize any of our 1959 Graduates?
Submitted by Janis Richarson Schmutte